Olds cornet serial numbers
Olds cornet serial numbers

olds cornet serial numbers

Movie from 1937, restored and posted by Mark Overton of SaxQuest (Resources Movie from 1924, restored and posted by Mark Overton of SaxQuest (YouTube Video of a C.G.

olds cornet serial numbers

Old Courtois factory in France just after Buffet ended trumpet manufacture. Still photos taken at the Taylor workshop. Operations inside Conn-Selmer Eastlake Ohio. YouTube Video tour of the CarolBrass factory in Taiwan (not in English). The Bach plant circa 2018 with all the new automation mentioned in this essay Robb Stewart's biography of Earl WilliamsĬhris Dankler and Thomas Meacham for providing photographs of models not available to the author.Ĭirca 2015 with the first of new automated machining for mouthpieces. Olds at Robb Stewart's siteĬG Conn History articles at the Conn Loyalist Niles Eldredge's Brief History of Piston Valved Cornets at Nick DeCarlis' VintageCornets.Com White Co's History of the Trumpet and Cornet (1924) Until I have time to add navagation to some of the sub-pages, please use browser back to return here. With over 700 illustrations, over 400 unique models depicted, indexes by subject and model, and a variety of the tables and essays also hosted here, it is 25% larger than the first edition. This book covers the life of Vincent himself, as well as the first 100 years of his company, the major milestones in Stradivarius evolution, and features numerous illustrative examples with the details and stories behind them.Ī Timeline of Trumpets Second Edition, is now available in print through Amazon. Vincent Bach and his Trumpets, is now available in print through Amazon. Roy Hempley: “Just when you think you finally have it figured out, a horn comes along to prove you wrong”.

olds cornet serial numbers

These entries are accurate as of my current understanding, but always subject to change as I learn more. This site was established to provide access to my notes, ramblings, photos, tools, and favorite resources for trumpet,Ĭornet and bugle collectors.

Olds cornet serial numbers